At Long Grove Christian Church, our mission is simple:
To help people root and establish themselves in Jesus. We believe that in fulfilling this mission we must bring others to the savior and make disciples.
We accomplish this through three basic principles: LOVE, GROW, GO. These words shape our purpose and remind us of God’s will for our lives.
LOVE. Jesus said that the two most important commandments ever given were to love God with everything you’ve got and love others just as much as you love yourself [see Mark 12:30-31]. This is the starting point for every step in our walk with Jesus – it’s why we gather, it’s why we study, it’s why we sing, it’s why we serve. It all starts with LOVE.
GROW. The Bible explains that God loved us so much He sent Jesus to us and emphasized that He was not sent to condemn but to save. Like Jesus, we will love you just as you are. And while Jesus loves you for who you are, He also has great plans for you. He desires you to grow in your faith for the purpose of advancing His Kingdom. Because of this, we don’t stay the way we are – we GROW.
Jesus began his final directive with the word “GO.” We are to go and make disciples [see Matthew 28:19]. Jesus also said that the greatest of His followers would be the one who serves and explained that lending a helping hand to those in need was the same as reaching a hand out to Jesus himself. One of His greatest followers, Paul, instructs us to offer our bodies as “living sacrifices” – not to die for Jesus, but to live for Him. Paul calls this our “spiritual act of worship.” So to worship is to GO.
Our Mission is what drives us to be rooted in our Commitment to the Gospel and to Jesus Christ. Our mission is to “Help people root and establish themselves in Jesus.”