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(563) 285-8246 202 S 1st St, Long Grove, IA 52756

You may of noticed that alongside of our Church is a cemetery that is about as old as our Church itself. A little stroll thru the cemetery and you will notice grave markers from three different centuries. Many of the oldest markers will have birthplace as Scotland and then burial in Long Grove. These are not only our early church members but some of the first pioneers to settle in Long Grove and Scott County.

You may have also passed by the cemetery at certain times of the year and seen flags flying. The American flags and flags representing the different branches of the military are flown on the important American Holidays like Memorial Day, Flag Day, and Veterans Day as well as other occasions.

Recently, we have begun our Easter morning worship in the cemetery to honor those who have died and are buried there and to be reminded that Jesus has promised, “I am the Resurrection and the Life and whoever believes in me, though he die yet shall he live.” (John 11:25)

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